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    • 电话Call us : +86 21-64283861
    • 地址 :上海市闵行区恒南路1111弄浦江意优16号楼703
    • Address:Room 703, No. 16, Pujiang Yiyou, Lane 1111, Hengnan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 2011122, P. R. China


FITNIR Analyzers Inc./Canada:
FITNIR’s automated online and benchtop analyzers reliably measure complete pulp liquor compositions. Fast, frequent and accurate measurements drive control strategies that decrease process variability and environmental impact for improved efficiencies and profitability. With proven digester, recausticizer, recovery boiler, ClO2 generator, and brownstock washer applications, FITNIR is the next generation of process analyzers.
