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    • 电话Call us : +86 21-64283861
    • 地址 :上海市闵行区恒南路1111弄浦江意优16号楼703
    • Address:Room 703, No. 16, Pujiang Yiyou, Lane 1111, Hengnan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 2011122, P. R. China


KSK Co., Ltd. was established in 1932 and then founding the "Kansai dyeing machine Chamber of Commerce. After the organizational changes in 1948, the company changed its name to "kansai dyeing machinery co., LTD”. It is focus on dyeing & finishing machinery and dedicated in developing dyeing machine’s manufacturing and selling. Our company is specialized in curved roll which is apply to the manufacturing progress of paper, membrane and cloth. Besides the damage and the atrophy in texture forming, it also have the function of expanding in curved roll. As a high quality and indispensable link, it is favored toward the general industry peer.
