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    • 电话Call us : +86 21-64283861
    • 地址 :上海市闵行区恒南路1111弄浦江意优16号楼703
    • Address:Room 703, No. 16, Pujiang Yiyou, Lane 1111, Hengnan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 2011122, P. R. China

1980年,客户现场破碎服务市场刚刚起步,移动式破碎机还是个新事物,美国SSI破碎系统公司(SSI Shredding Systems)便开始以合同制形式在美国各地提供客户现场移动破碎服务。由于SSI产品的灵活性和广泛适用性,客户开始要求SSI帮助解决一些特殊物料或特殊要求的废物减容处理难题,这促使我们集中精力研究设计各种废物减容工业解决方案,为客户量体定制破碎处理系统,而不仅仅依赖于标准型号的产品来应对所有问题。实践证明,在固废破碎领域想要以一种方案顶百用是绝对行不通的,固废处置客户真正需要的是根据其个别应用情况而设计的设备及系统。

The idea of mobile shredders was new in 1980; the world was seeing a rapidly growing market for on-site size reduction. SSI was started to meet this demand as a contract shredding company. Flexibility was key in our early development. Our customers frequently came to us with unique problems, which compelled us to concentrate on engineering new solutions rather than off-the-shelf technology. The old idea that there was one solution for all, just wouldn't work in this market. Our customers needed a choice of options.



Now a quarter century later, our innovation, improvement, and engineering to application have created an evolution of the most versatile shredders in the market today.We have installed SSI shredders in 51 countries located on all 7 continents providing solutions to the world. Examples: Four of SSI’s M160's, one of the world's most powerful shredders, are operating in the world's largest waste incineration facility located in Singapore. We've developed alternative fuel processing systems for global cement companies and we've installed our shredders to process the organic hazardous waste for the entire country of Norway.